Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Who me? You shouldn't have!

I got a blog award, I got a blog award, I got a blog award hey hey hey hey (to the tune of lil rascals I got a dollar) hehe.

I am so excited I love awards especially when they are for me :) I know I'm not the best blogger but I am trying to get more regular in my posting. I am very faithful with my favorite link-up Oh how Pinteresting Wednesday but there is more to blogging than that. My goal is to develop a diary so in the future I can look back and remember the good, the bad, and the ugly!

This award comes from one of my best girls Lacey @ Confessions of a (Recovering) Shopaholic

(Careful it's HOTT!)

Since I'm new to the the blogging world and all I would like to say a little bit about myself, besides isn't that what you do when you receive an award?

I am 24 years old one month away from being 25 which I am nervous and excited about. Excited: my insurance goes down. Nervous: I am halfway to 30.  I have a wonderful fur-baby named Bailey she will be 7 years old this October, I can't believe it! Now on to the girls that keep me sane... I have 4 girls who I don't know what I would do without we are pretty much all different but to me is what keeps you together. one is married with a child and will tell me straight up that I'm being an idiot or ask me what the hell are you wearing, another is engaged and worries about everything that's going on in your life which I love her for (sometimes haha) the other is almost engaged (hehe) she keeps me in style and the best shopping partner but those outing should be kept to minimum we both love to go go go and we will be doing exactly that when we go to NYC this winter! And last but certainly not least is the one that I cannot keep up with an the one that will never surprise me no matter what she throws my way. This girl and I have been through some heartaches together and have been involved in some pretty scandalous activities as well. We were hardly ever single together and I think there is a reason behind that. 
Now onto the Man who puts up with me and my friends, Farmer Chase (FC) we have been together a little over a year and it has been wonderful he even loves my girlfriends! FC lives in Southeast Arkansas and works on the family farm, they farm rice, cotton, soybeans, and corn. Harvest time is upon us so I will give you all a further look into the farm later it's a simple yet hard way of life since it is completely unpredictable!  
Well, I guess I will talk a little about myself now! I am a Marketing Coordinator at an Anheuser-Busch Wholesaler and no it is not as cool as it sounds. That's why I am going back to school to get my Master's in Teaching... more on that later as well!  I have a wonderful family which consists of me, my mom, dad (who have been married for 36 years!) and my big brother! We live in South Arkansas and I couldn't' be more proud of being a Southerner, Arkansas Razorback fan, backroad riding, lake and river swimmer, deer hunter, and fried food loving kind of gal!

Thanks again for the nomination Lacey!!!!

1 comment:

  1. CRAP! this makes me want to get my blog back up and going!! haha...and I think I qualify as the last firend?? haha LOVE YA!
