Friday, July 8, 2011

Pardon My Absence...

I have been so extremely busy at work this week I haven't had time to blog! Oh the nerve... :)

Guess what today is!!! well it marks 1 fabulous (ok i'm exagerating a little bit) year of being with my main squeeze...Farmer Chase :)

Yummmmmoo! I just love this picture of him :)

This completely explains our relationship... If you know me you understand!

Farmer Chase doing his thing...

Ok I will stop on the pictures of us and move on to some more interesting.

Have a great weekend!!!


  1. COngrats and Happy 1 year of putting up with his farming and your well what that picture explained. Now quit with the mushy stuff bc it makes me sick! Hope yall do something nice :)

  2. Sounds like you have been busy!

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